Color Picker
Image Picker

Super Easy

Easily pick color from image or color wheel. Simply mouse-hover the image or color wheel to grab the exact color from the pixel.

Color Formats

Looking for a HEX Color Picker or an RGB Color Picker? This tool lets you pick colors in HEX/HTML, RGB, HSL, HSV, or CMYK formats.

Color Palettes

Create the perfect color pallet by using Complementary, Triadic, Tetradic, Analogous, and MonoChromatic colors.

Privacy Protected

We do not upload your photos to our servers (it works on the browser). That means your image privacy is guaranteed.

Online Tool

Our color picker works on your browser. There is no software to install. It works on Windows, Mac, Linux, or any device with a web browser.

100% Free

This online color picker is 100% free. You can use it without any registrations or paying fees!

How to pick a color from an image?

  • 1. Upload your image or open the color wheel.
  • 2. Mouse hover and click to select the exact pixel.
  • 3. Copy the color code in HEX/HTML, RGB…etc.

Color Harmony

Color Harmony refers to matching and harmonious colors that are aesthetically pleasing when combined together. They are derived by geometric relationships within the color wheel. Our color picker can automatically generate these based on the color you pick.

Complementary Colors

Complementary color is the color that is positioned directly opposite of a given color in the color wheel. This combination of colors has high contrast and visual tension.

Triadic Colors

Three colors spaced evenly around the color wheel are known as triadic colors. These combinations give you high contrast while still being easy on the eye.

Tetradic Colors

This color combination consists of two sets of complementary colors 60 degrees apart in the color wheel. Aggressive and vibrant, best for flashier subjects.